2021 is not proving to be better than 2020 so far. An extraordinary cold snap with subzero temperatures and snow is moving into Arkansas next week starting, Sunday 02/14. This is going to be devastating and brutal for our wild neighbors. We all know to bring our furry family members in, but what can you do the help wildlife?

You can't bring squirrels, birds, raccoons and possums into your home as much as I know you all would like to. You can however help them beat the elements with love, care and calories.
What you can do to help:
Start feeding now, so they learn where to come and look for food when old man winter comes storming in.
Keep an area clear from snow and ice with a cotton sheet. A plastic tarp will scare them with that "crinkly" plastic sound.

Place food in an area that will keep them out of danger from any companions animals or busy roads. Don't make them cross a road for food. A bowl is not needed, these animals forage.
You can of course buy bird seed just about anywhere. And you have food in your home you can share safely with wildlife during this challenging time for them.

Items in your home you can feed to wildlife
Popcorn... popped.
Chips - birds and squirrels love corn chips. Be sure to crush them up before putting out... NO SALT
Fruit peels and cores.
Any kind of grains, barley, quinoa etc. Cooked and soft.
Rice... NEVER FEED uncooked rice
Cooked beans
Cooked pasta
Nuts... No Salt
Bird seed and suet
Be sure to manage a water bowl or bucket. It's hard for animals to find non frozen water to drink.
You would think we don't have to say this, make sure companion animals are inside safe and warm, even your neighbors animals. If you see a neglected animal, call your local animal shelter and even the police.
Thank you for your kindness and helping animals out.

Please help save animals at Sunset Farms Sanctuary in Cove, Arkansas! Please see our “Crowdfundr” winter hay fundraiser (“Save the Animals! Urgently Needed Animal Sanctuary Winter Hay Purchase”). 9 cows, 36 goats and 27 sheep urgently need winter hay to survive the winter! No donation too small or large!